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Peter H. Gerber
Founding Partner of EDG

Peter H. Gerber is a founding partner of The EdDesigns Group, and formally Senior Advisor to the National Science Resources Center of the Smithsonian Institution, Executive National Representative of Panasonic Enterprise Solutions Company, Senior Advisor to Young Audiences Arts for Learning (national office) and Director, Arts for Learning Lessons Program, and Special Advisor to the National Urban Alliance for Effective Education. He is former Chairman of the National Advisory Board for the Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning (CELL), University of Indianapolis. He is the former Executive Director of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Education Foundation (Seaside, CA and Seoul, Korea) and founder-advisor of the South Florida Annenberg Challenge. Pete served as the first education program director of The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and was the first Staff Director for the National Council on Educational Research of the National Institute of Education. He also held senior staff positions at the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (U.S. Department of Education). He played a leading staff role in the National Commission on Excellence in Education that issued "A Nation at Risk" in 1983. Earning a bachelor's degree at Antioch College and master's degree at the University of Northern Colorado, he initiated faculty and administrative positions at Kauai Community College (Hawaii) and the Washington-Baltimore Campus of Antioch College (Columbia, MD)
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Larry S. Rosen
Founding Partner of EDG

Dr. Larry S. Rosen is a founding partner of The EdDesigns Group. Larry has more than 45 years’ experience in teaching, administration and innovation in K-12 schools, human service organizations, community colleges and universities (including Johns Hopkins and Stetson) where he has served as a teacher, counselor, principal, professor, director, dean, and vice president. He served as President and CEO of the Institute for School Innovation based in Tallahassee, FL, as National GM for Education at Panasonic North America, and on several national boards including that of one of the nation’s largest health care systems. Larry spent five years during the 1990s on full-time assignment with the Walt Disney Company developing educational designs. He is a recognized expert in values development who has authored several books and developed many innovative programs, including school and curriculum design and teacher training nationwide in diverse areas. He received bachelor and master's degrees from the University of Dayton and a doctorate from St. Louis University.
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Richard C. Kunkel
Senior Associate

Dr. Richard C. Kunkel is a professor and former Dean of the College of Education at Florida State University with more than 50 years’ experience in education. Rich is a national expert in curriculum development, teacher education and program evaluation with numerous publications and is currently president of the Dean's Association of colleges of education in Florida. Prior to service at Florida State Rich was head of the colleges of Education at Auburn University, The University of Nevada Las Vegas and St. Louis University. During the 1980s Rich served as the national executive director of NCATE the entity responsible for accrediting colleges of teacher education throughout the country. Additionally, Rich has served as executive director of the Holmes Group and on many national committees and boards.
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Dr. Fred Bemak

A Professor and Academic Program Coordinator of the Counseling and Development Program in the College of Education and Human Development and founder and Director of the Diversity Research and Action Center at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. He also founded Counselors Without Borders. Previously Dr. Bemak was a Professor and Section Head for Counselor Education, School Psychology, and Rehabilitation Services at Ohio State University and former Associate Professor and Chair of the Counseling and Human Services Program at Johns Hopkins University. He is also the former Director of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Upward Bound Program, Clinical Director of a U.S. National Institute of Mental Health funded consortium based in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and Director of the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health Region I Adolescent Treatment Program. Dr. Bemak has published extensively in the fields of cross-cultural and multicultural psychology, working with at-risk youth, group counseling, and immigrant and refugee mental health and adjustment. He has co-authored seven books including: Social Justice Counseling: Dr. Bemak has held three Fulbright Scholarships (Brazil, Scotland, and Turkey) as well as Visiting Professor appointments in Australia, Mexico, and Taiwan. He received a World Rehabilitation Fund International Exchange of Experts Fellowship to work in India and a Kellogg Fellowship in International Leadership and Development to work throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Dr. Bemak is a Fellow with the American Psychological Association, the American Counseling Association, and the Association for Specialists in Group Work and received an Honorary Distinguished Professorship from Amity University in India.
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Dr. Hank Lindborg

A founder of the American Society for Quality’s (ASQ) Education Division and past member of its Education and Training Board, Dr. Lindborg has been a pioneer in applying quality principles to education. He has consulted on quality improvement for large school districts and played important roles in creating and fostering AQIP (Academic Quality Improvement Program) of the Higher Learning Commission (North Central Association), which was an alternative path to accreditation for colleges and universities.

As a consultant, he has worked in strategic development with organizations ranging from Fortune Five Hundred corporations to an Indian Nation, utilities, publishing, manufacturing, health care, universities and K-12 education systems. A career coach and author, he writes a regular career column for ASQ’s Quality Progress. He has been a board member of for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.

Dr. Lindborg has served IEEE-USA (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,) as Chair of the Career Workforce Policy Committee and as a member of the Government Relations Council.

His career in higher education has included roles as senior vice president, academic vice president, dean of faculty, and Executive Director of the International Values Institute.

He holds degrees from Fordham University and the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He presently teaches and directs capstone projects in Marian University’s Organizational Leadership graduate program, which he established in 1992. Additionally, Dr. Lindborg serves as senior lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.